When we thought in 2002 of a nice body and health in general, we didn’t realize that those thoughts will represent the main topics for the development of a new brand called X-FITNESS magazine. A large number of front and inside pages of the magazine are my photos that illustrate the fitness and lifestyle world population in the best way.
From early childhood, I harbored an affinity towards photography, sports and healthy lifestyle. That’s what led at one point to further interest in fitness as something that in my environment at the beginning of the new millennium has not been so topical. My career of a professional photographer was at the very beginning at the time when the X-Fitness Magazine was established as well as the collaboration with the fitness models and all this has increased a great wish in me to share those photos with an adequate story with the rest of the people interested in healthy life and everything that goes with it. As time went on, our project became more serious, and the same photos began to be published in almost all the popular magazines around the world that had anything to do with fitness, and so on until the time when our magazine was installed on the right place on the pedestal of European fitness industry, where he remained until the present day. I took over the responsibility of the photo editor and editor in chief of the magazine, and the final result was a magazine for fitness, wellness, spa and sports – X-FITNESS MAGAZINE.
Ten years later, after those first thoughts and ideas that have evolved in making laws of fitness industry, we have come to a turning point, and that is a substitute for paper edition – the online edition. This represent one more change in accordance with the present civilization that will bring a faster transfer of information to the reader and it has been inevitable to come.
Over the last decade, publishing and marketing have left behind 61 edition of a sport magazine that is certainly worth having in your home collection as rich professional articles on healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition and physical activity that you can always look back. The magazine as his biggest focus, in addition to the great texts, had the unusual quality of photography. Through the same photos we have received a huge number of readers who have aspired to something that was unique and special. Carefully chosen team of eminent experts and athletes around the world have contributed to the severity of this very popular magazine and that will certainly be held in the future, since the cessation of printing on paper does not mean end of the work, but on the contrary, the expected change in the direction in which everyone is looking – towards the internet.
A large number of front pages of the magazine are my photos that illustrate the fitness and bodybuilding world population in the best way. Many of those photos were published by other journals and magazines in the same or similar fields and that kind of cooperation represented, and of course still represent, a great pleasure for me, as well as the best way of presenting essential information and high quality images to readers. From the 1st to the 61st printed issue of the magazine a huge number of photos was used for lots of commercials from the fitness world as they were gracing many of covers and inside pages. What really excites me and present a great pleasure is the thing that there is a magazine with a tradition and that my photos were and remain an important part of this printed decade that stays behind us as well as the future of online existence. For us this was a wonderful and successful period which we will always remember and from the next year of 2013 there are coming certainly better issues in every way and that’s why you, our dear readers, continue to read X-FITNESS magazine online or on our website www.xfitness.rs
All pictures seen in this article represent just a small part of those published in X-Fitness magazine that I shot for the past 10 years.