If you want something spectacular, or simply unusual and unique, or even something standard and ongoing, get in touch for more information. Taking part in many extreme sports and being knowledgeable about many tricks and the terms for them I am step forward from the others. This combination of skills has given to me access to some of the most exciting and unusual photographic shoots ever seen.
I am specialized in the following fields:
Extreme sports, underwater and water photography, advertising and lifestyle, adventures, aerial, expeditions and actions.
Editorial travel stories on exotic locations – hotels and tourist activities. Also I am doing advertising catalogues and campaigns – outdoor and underwater fashion, portraits and lifestyle in natural environments.
I covered everything… small extreme sports events and athletes projects to World championships and big, big events around the World.
All weather conditions are acceptable!

After 22 years as a professional photographer I have built up an enviable selection of clients around the globe. My photographs have been published in a newspapers, books and magazines worldwide. With over 35 years experience as a photographer, my career spans a variety of genres and specialties.
For some photo shootings I can also offer from my team location scouting, travel and safety advice, production logistics, weather analysis and special operations.
Any high resolution picture of my library can be sent by FTP to any place in the world within a few hours.
I look forward to hearing from you and working with you in the near future.
Contact me