Red Bull X-Fighters as the biggest FMX sport event in the world gave me huge photographic experience since I covered this championship for many years in a row. Everything is great about this sport, the location, the riders, the tricks… but above all the greatest thing is a result of your effort published on the cover page and shared with the wider audience.
This amazing cover page image was taken last year in Mexico City during the first stop of the Red Bull X-Fighters 2013. The specific thing about the photo on this cover is that it was composed of two different images. The one that I took is an overview of Monumental Plaza de Toros the biggest bull arena in the world, and the other one of Tohomas Pages in the air was shot by my colleague and friend, with whom I cooperate often lately, Joerg Mitter. We are both very proud that we have one more cover page in our archives.
The Red Bulletin started out as Formula One’s daily magazine printed by Austrian beverage company Red Bull, and today it is one of the few global monthly magazines. It first appeared in Austria, Red Bull’s home country, at the end of 2007. Every first Tuesday in the month, around 1.1 million copies of The Red Bulletin are distributed as supplements with nine Austrian newspapers and magazines: BVZ, Kleine Zeitung, Kurier, NÖN, Die Presse, Salzburger Nachrichten, Seitenblicke Magazin, Tiroler Tageszeitung, and Vorarlberger Nachrichten. Since 2009, a further 2.5 million copies have also been distributed in the United Kingdom with the Sunday Telegraph, in Germany with Münchner Merkur, tz and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, in Northern Ireland with the Belfast Telegraph, in the Republic of Ireland with The Irish Times, in New Zealand with the New Zealand Herald, in South Africa with The Star, Daily News, Cape Argus, Cape Times and Pretoria News, in Poland with Gazeta Wyborcza and in Kuwait with the Kuwait Times. Currently, over 3,6 million copies are distributed every month. In June 2010, 700,000 issues of an own US edition of the Red Bulletin were distributed around the Red Bull Air Race in New York along with the New York Times. Behind every story there is a supposed outstanding achievement. Currently, all issues are available via the new Red Bulletin website: