Q: Predrag, where did you take the photos for our “Making of?”
A: The photo shoot took place in Athens/Greece with Red Bull windsurf athlete Tony Frey.
Q: What was your idea for the shoot?
A: My main idea was to do something different…and in the end I think I achieved that.
Q: What camera did you use?
A: I used a Nikon D200 without water housing, which actually was quite a risky thing to do.
Q: What additional equipment did you use for the shoot?
A: I used two Manfrotto magic arms and two specially prepared Manfrotto super clamps. Also I had a Nikon flash SB800 and a pocket wizard remote control.
Q: How were the conditions for your shoot and what problems did you have to face?
A: The general conditions for the shoot were fine, but we had a bit of a problem with the wind because we had to wait for it most of the time.
Q: Does the mount change the balance or is this something Tony didn’t have to take into consideration at all?
A: Tony is a great and very professional windsurfer, so she had no problems with the mount at all. The only thing she had to think of was that the camera didn’t have any kind of water protection. She is a fabulous person and she contributed a lot to the success of this shoot!
Q: What are the exact camera settings you have to choose?
A: My camera was on auto focus, I used ISO 200 and an exposure of 1/1000 with automatic blend changing.
Q: What lenses did you use and why?
A: I used a 10,5 mm f/2.8 fish-eye lens. That was the only lens to use in this case because it had all parts of the sail and the athlete in focus at the same time.
Q: Is this something that is done often or is it rather your own construction?
A: I always choose my own construction because I am always looking for something different and interesting like unusual angles, techniques, light… this definitely isn’t something that is done very often!
Q: What other opportunities do you see in terms of creativity with a mount like this? Do you think it would be possible to try motion blurs?
A: There definitely are many other opportunities with a mount like this (other locations, different angles,…) and I will try some of them during future photo shoots of this kind. Concerning motion blurs there is one problem…the waves! I already tried it and am working on some new ideas for future shoots…I’ll let you know as soon as I’ve done it!
Q: Did you already lose some camera equipment during shoots like this? Is there a high risk of the camera coming off?
A: Most of the time I don’t even think about the camera, I am only looking for that perfect shot. I always prepare everything carefully and if anything happens I’d say that’s destiny. It’s also safety first for my whole team on site.
I already lost one camera during a test car photo shoot…but I don’t regret that either because at least it gave me one incredible shot!
Q: Did you spend much time on post-production?
A: Yes, I spent much time on post-production because in this case it was necessary. The most important thing was to remove the mount from the picture since it was very well visible. I spent more than four hours on post-production…but I don’t regret it!
Q: Are you satisfied with the outcome of your shoot?
A: I am very satisfied because this picture made it onto quite a few magazine covers. Could the outcome be any better?
Q: Do you think there are things that could be optimized?
A: Of course there are always some things that could be optimized. I am always looking to improve and this definitely wasn’t the end of this story!
Q: Is there any advice you would give to photographers planning a similar shoot?
A: This kind of photo shoot with a camera without water case can only be done with a professional athlete. I don’t recommend trying something like this with an amateur. Also, be prepared for hours and hours spent on post-production!