Inside Travel Magazine there is a collection of my travel destinations for readers to enjoy. Being a professional photographer is one of the occupations which require traveling to many exotic and unusual places. Looking at the world, people and the nature through the lens gives a photographer the power to express his ideas through his photos. Therefore, photo studios, apart from many cities and their landmarks, are also mountains, rivers, oceans and all the places that we think exist only in books or movies.
There is nothing more beautiful than being able to travel to different, both far and near locations all around the world, every month, even though this is a part of a profession and it seems that you can’t enjoy yourself as much as you would if you were on a holiday.
Being a professional photographer is one of the occupations which require traveling to many exotic and unusual places. A thirty–seven–year old man from Belgrade, Predrag Vuckovic, has been occupied with professional photography for over a decade and mainly engaged in extreme and underwater photography at very unique places in the world. He is one of those people who invest all their skills, will and strength in their work, and that devotion can be seen in his photos. A great talent and special fitness are often not enough and sometimes it is necessary to reach seemingly inaccessible place to take a unique photo. Looking at the world, people and the nature through the lens gives a photographer the power to express his ideas through his photos. Predrag considers his photos as unique, unforgettable and unrepeatable moments caught in time. If you want to tell a story and make an impression through photos you have to be sharp-eyed and possess the exquisite sensibility. Many stories from different parts of the world have been told, stories about Kamchatka peninsula and the jump in an active volcano, the Caribbean Sea, the Cayman Islands and adventurous diving with sharks, about the USA – from eastern to western coast, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and the Mont Blanc summit. Traveling from one continent to the other, across Europe, Africa, Asia and America, to different seas and oceans can sometimes be very arduous and tiring, but when you are trying to achieve your goal all difficulties disappear in a moment and turn into a most pleasurable job.
Every country and every city has its own magic and it’s not easy to describe it verbally, so sometimes the photos are just enough. A lot of traveling all around the world, to most exquisite and unusual, exotic and unique places and locations, as well as a lot of action and adventure are all part of Predrag’s job. It is difficult to withstand all these challenges, especially when you are aware that you have only one life to live, the life worth all these precious moments. Underwater photography is a special passion of – we can say for sure – the artist, who is brilliant at conveying the impression to those who are looking at his photos. It is an inexpressible feeling when, in perfect silence, you have the opportunity to take photos and portray the living world and remnants of ship wreckages which turn into the real masterpieces. Therefore, his photo studios, apart from many cities and their landmarks, are also mountains, rivers, oceans and all the places that we think exist only in books or movies.
It is hard for him to single out ten photos he likes the most, let alone just one. He will also always remember the people who took part in all the events presented in the photos and cherish the friendships that came out of their cooperation. With every new adventure, this artist with the camera makes a new friend, a person from another continent and of different mentality, but then again, a person who has had similar experiences, and this is what makes this job so attractive.
He invests a lot in himself and wants to be ahead of time, which requires the enormous amount of energy he accumulates by spending time in these wonderful destinations all around the world, destinations that will become “too small” for Predrag in the next few years. His photos have been published in many magazines world-wide, and currently he is cooperating with over forty magazines, which proves that all the effort he makes is largely appreciated.