It is always a great pleasure when one of the thousands of photos is singled out and placed in a special place. That’s exactly what happened again with my photo with professional kayaker Peter Kauzer during our special kayak project in Bosnia and Herzegovina. What is important to say within this short story is that I never send my photos to any competitions and that this is one of my rules that runs through my entire photography career. I just don’t take photos to compete with other photographers.

In this case, it’s nice to see a photo that I imagined long before I made it, that it was chosen as the picture of the month at the global Red Bull Photography level. I look at drone photography in a different way, and this photo is a true example of my thinking when it comes to a completely different perspective. I hope that my photos will continue to decorate the Red Bull world in my own way!

You can check the whole story about this unique photography on this link as well as the Red Bull Photography website with full announcement about picture of the month for May 2023! Also, my previous pictures of the months you can find here for 2019, here for 2020 and here for 2022.